Links - Love Language

EU Sokrates

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
229813-CP-1-2006-1 -AT-GRUNDTVIG-G1PP

This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


  • Ministerio de Educación, Política Social y Deporte
    Ministry of Education, Social Policy and Sport


  • Centro de recursos académicos, científicos y culturales sobre los países de habla francesa.
    Centre of academic, scientific and cultural resources addressed to french speaking countries


  • Portal Educativo de la comunidad de Catalunya
    Educational Web portal of the autonomous region of Catalunya



  • Educational Web portal of the autonomous region of Extremadura
    Portal Educativo de la comunidad de Extremadura


  • Educational Web portal of the autonomous region of Asturias
    Portal Educativo de la comunidad de Asturias




  • Instituto Cervantes - Cervantes Institute
    El Instituto Cervantes es la institución pública creada por España en 1991 para la promoción y la enseñanza de la lengua española y para la difusión de la cultura española e hispanoamericana.
    This institute is a public institution created by Spain in 1991 with the aim of promoting and teaching the Spanish language and for spreading the Spanish and Latin-American culture.